Pantomime season is upon us once again…Oh yes it is. This year’s offering from The Grand Theatre is the ever popular tale of Sleeping Beauty. Featuring a cast of well-known faces, the show opened on Friday to a packed auditorium...
Nurse Nelly (Nick Wilton) treated us to her version of George Formby classic, Auntie Maggie’s Special Home Made Remedy. Slapstick and mayhem followed as she and Billy (Steve Royle) attempted to prepare food for the party. Watch out for the echo scene, it’s really funny..
Space limitations have made it impossible to list the many hilarious antics of Silly Billy and Nurse Nelly interspersing this fairy-tale love story. A theme of ‘Everything Is Awesome’ ran through the show and the acting, singing and dancing certainly were. Tickets will make a wonderful pre or post Christmas treat for the young and the young at heart.
Scarlett Clegg.